Fountain House is about the power of community. It was created to relieve the loneliness and stigma that affect so many people who are living with serious mental illnesses, like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. Serious mental illness disrupts lives - people lose their jobs, they drop out of school, they alienate their families and friends, and they end up alone.
In 1965, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Rashid Chaudhry (Late) a founder member of the Lahore Mental Health association (LMHA), worked out a plan for the establishment of a rehabilitation center for the mentally ill in Lahore. A formal proposal entitled "Establishment of a Half-Way House and Day-Night Rehabilitation Unit for persons with Mental Illness" was submitted to the Govt. of Pakistan in 1965.
After approval by the Govt. in 1968, the proposal was sent to the Social and Rehabilitation Services ,Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Govt. of USA for the purpose of obtaining technical and financial assistance. In 1971 Mr. John H. Beard, Executive Director, Fountain House, New York as a consultant of Social and Rehabilitation Services, Washington USA visited the Rehabilitation Unit of Lahore Mental Health Association. The close relationship that developed as a result of the technical collaboration between the two houses led to the adoption of the name of Fountain House For The Rehabilitation Center In Lahore Thus came into existence Fountain House Lahore.
The Fountain House uses the Clubhouse Model of Psychosocial Rehabilitation - it was the first such program, established in New York City in 1949. In 1955 John Beard, a social worker from Michigan, was named Executive Director. He began involving unemployed members in helping him maintain the building.
Lahore Mental Health Association (LMHA) was formed in 1962 to mobilize efforts & resources for the uplift and promotion of mental health in Pakistan. We successfully addresses the devastating impact of serious mental illness dedicated to the recovery of men and women by providing opportunities for our members to live, work, and learn, while contributing their talents through a community of mutual support.